Friday, June 11, 2010

Pair Up with the Junior League - Ready for my first race!

It's Friday night and I'm staying in. Said no to happy hour. No to dinner out and even no to the Ice Cream Shack...unbelievable.

But staying healthy tonight (and as a lifestyle) is one of the many reasons I'll be running my first race tomorrow - the Junior League's Pair Up for Health trail race!  
"In an effort to raise awareness of the escalating obesity epidemic among children, the Junior League of Peoria will host Pair Up for Health. This project addresses the growing issue of childhood obesity and sedentary lifestyles. Information and materials related to healthy eating, nutrition, and benefits of exercise will be provided to all participants."

Hope I make it to the finish line!

As an aside - since moving here, I've had the opportunity to get involved in many organizations and the Junior League is one I've continued to be part of - truly a great organization that is helping build a better community.

So far my main placement in the League has been focused on helping make the Peoria PlayHouse Children's Museum a reality through volunteering and most recently chairing the committee. Now, as part of the Board of Directors, I'm proud to help share how the Junior League is making a difference in everything they do to improve the lives of children in our community through education and opportunity. Shout out to all of the great women in our community who help make a difference!

Good luck to all the runners out there. Interested? There's still time to sign up!

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