Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our trip...a couple months late

On our way back from our Europe vacation to France & Spain I had grandiose ideas on how many blog posts I could get out of our trip. Well now that it's been over a month since we've been back (and 2 months since I've blogged) clearly something else came up!

We're having a baby! I've spent the last 6 weeks feeling sick and sleeping A LOT! But since I'm still a big fan of fashion, I decided I'd keep up this blog even during the pregnancy. No, I'll keep the maternity fashion to a minimum (because I don't think much of it is that fashionable - - especially considering the fact that my heels are already starting to hurt as I finish the first trimester).

So, here's some photos I tried to take of some of my looks on vacation. Unfortunately, it was still winter, so most of my outfits are covered by my coat in photos. I should have known to pack a few shirts and bring all of my fun outerwear! But surely that would have put me over my 50 1b bag limit!

First day of the trip - casual in Paris - all black and a feathered scarf

Ready to take on NYE in Paris

One of our many Eiffel Tower shots

Another night on the town in Paris - now one of my favorite places!

Yes, I pulled out a hat one day! This is my Mona Lisa smile.

When your straighter and your curling iron don't'll try anything to make your hair look somewhat decent.

My rain boots were a big hit and needed in rainy Spain.

Cute blue dress I bought in Spain

Another Spain purchase - sweater dress

Mixing it up for a night of Flamenco watching
I wore everything twice to pack light so tights and scarfs helped make things new!

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