Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Few Days East

Due to what seems to have been a block from social networking sights (my Facebook page only worked maybe 1 of 5 times I tried to enter), I didn't have an opportunity to blog about my week in China. Here are some highlights.

Sunday - Arrived at the airport and took a couple hour ride to Suzhou. I got to see the smog of China first hand and was in disbelief. (Fortunately, throughout the week, I realized it just depended on the day. I got to see the sun at least 50% of the time...and while the smog isn't appealing, it makes for some amazing neon nights!)
Monday - Had the opportunity to participate in the Grand Opening of our newest facility; take a tour and meet more of the people I deal with via email in person. Such a great team! Enjoyed the dragons, music and most traditional Chinese meal of my week. During the Chinese roundtable, a plate of chicken was served - head and all! Yikes. I tried my best to hold back my expression, but the team must have seen it and immediately asked for the head to be removed).

Tuesday - Long day at the office, but then enjoyed a night in downtown Suzhou. Rather than Chinese again we opted for a Mexican restaurant. Dinner was followed by drinks in the hotel lobby (pictured below). My first shot of traditional 'bei jo' (sp?). It's a high alcohol-content drink that is part of the culture there, so I guess I had to try it. Haha, it made for a fun night and interesting conversation. After crashing in my bed, I woke up at 2:45am (the same time as the night before) however, this time I couldn't get back to sleep. Damn jet lag. So I got up, called Robert, signed on my computer and eventually went outside for a run at 4:30...Wednesday - Finished up our time in Suzhou and headed to Shanghai late afternoon. I was determined to get some personal time in and go shopping that night. I succeeded! I headed out with someone from our marketing team and had my first experience bargaining - - and bargaining hard! After the fun, we headed next door for sushi. YUM! Good night in Shanghai.

Thursday - Unfortunately, the night before was sleepless once again. Ran around in the morning working and finalizing logistics for our summit. I had the opportunity to meet some really great people and learn more about them during dinner that night; yes, more bei jo.

Friday - Finished up work and by mid afternoon headed back to the airport.

Surely, I'll be headed back to China later this year. And as great as the trip was, I'll make sure I schedule some weekend time before or after to do some sightseeing. This trip was just my introduction.

Xie xie friends!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Caution: Search Overload May Cause Nausea

In t-minus 72 hours, I'll be in China. Shanghai and Suzhou to be exact.

Nevermind that I haven't a thing packed, stopped by Verizon to switch my phone over to international mode, updated my credit card information...the first thing I'm interested in is what to wear and what I'm going to eat.

During a dinner conversation with strangers on our trip to Cancun, I was told how pleasant China cuisine is...chicken feet and all.

So I started Google-ing. But after what I found maybe Bing should have been a better choice.

A sample of what I found on my search quest:

Okay, okay. Really though I am excited. It'll be a short trip, but between the meetings and planned dinners I'll be doing my best to take snapshots of what is claimed to be the Paris of the East and Venice of the East. Not too shabby...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Dark and Deep
Thick and Thorough
Long before this night
it came to be

Moving as one, pieced from a thousand Unknowns
forms a dueling fear

the Quietness seems only a game, perhaps waiting



Move closer
Step back.. hand forward
Resistance strains all movement
Ready for a wall. ready for the pain.

only to feel breeze?

Cold and Clammy
Weak and Woeful
No backbone or credibility

dark, unknown, quiet
Doesn't always live up to its scare tactic
I can walk through it, I can walk past it.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Baby...I Mean Dog...Changes Everything

Bella has been part of our family for almost 6 months now. We absolutely LOVE her, but having a dog does change your day-to-day life. You no longer sleep in on weekends un-interrupted, you need to make sure someone is home in time to let her out (and more importantly spend time with her) and yes, even wake up at 3:30 to clean up after hearing her puke in the middle of the night.

But I wouldn't change that for anything. I love having her companionship, seeing how excited she gets over a bone, a walk or even just a sitting next to us. She makes me remember to slow down and to enjoy the simple things.

Now saying this...I love, love, love Bella but am no way ready for the next step...a baby. We've got another couple years to worry about that. But what I love about having Bella is seeing what an amazing dad Robert is going to make (some day)!

1. He is persistent on making sure Bella gets 2 walks a day = We'll have a healthy, happy baby.

2. He spent hours trying to find the perfect dog bed for Bella = He may actually enjoy baby shopping.

3. He just finished reading a book about how to provide a dog with what they need = When I'm freaking out about what to do with a baby, he'll be reading up too and will keep me sane through the process.

4. He is a GREAT hider and plays hide-n-seek with Bella a couple times a day = Our kids will be great at peek-a-boo and eventually, hide-n-seek...and will love playing with their dad.

5. Since it's dropped below 32 degrees, Robert hasn't asked me once to go out and pick up poop = Maybe he'll be a great diaper changer.

6. Has taught Bella how to sit, lay, heel and play catch = He'll be a great soccer/basketball/hockey coach one day.

7. He genuinely loves Bella (even after she eats his shoes, sneaks on to the couch, etc.) = Our kids will have a dad that loves them unconditionally.

8. Among our busy work/volunteer/social lives, he makes sure we take time for Bella = When I'm knee-deep, he will always help remind me that family comes first.

Now if only he wasn't so disgusted by her puke...

Monday, January 4, 2010

10 for '10

We rang in 2010 just a few days ago. However, while we were at Martini's in downtown P-town they forgot to countdown to 2010 just kind of came. Whoops.

Another year, means a new list of resolutions. I actually like resolutions. I try to pick things I want to do and then can have something to look forward to for the year to come. Here we go.

Ready, 10...9....8...7....6....5....4....3....2....1.....HAPPY NEW YEAR!

1. Keep Dancing. take couples dance lessons with Robbie, add a dance studio to our basement, keep watching SYTYCD...if they ever come to Midwest think about giving it a shot, figure out a way to get back into dance classes somewhere in Peoria.

2. Write Again. keep a blog, find time to start writing poetry again.

3. Take a Hike. or walk or run everyday...basically exercise more than last year.

4. Mumble Jumble. stop the madness! speak loud enough for people to hear me the first time..even if it feels like I'm yelling.

5. Trapper Keeper. keep work, home and volunteer information organized so it's easy to find, help stay up to date with deadlines and if all else fails resort to the junior high version of ultimate organization - the Trapper Keeper =)

6. New Foods. make a new meal each Sunday. this may be a repeat, but this year include Robbie in the cooking process. this one was actually his idea! we made some Super Saucy Italian Chops last night!

7. Trend Setter. keep my love for fashion up, but at a reasonable cost!

8. Book Smarts. read a new book each month.

9. Family & Friends Unlimited Plan. keep connected through Facebook, the blog, oh and even that thing called the telephone. find one-on-one time throughout the year with my fav people.

10. To Market, To Market. learn more about the marketing world to enter that business side.